More Cappaccino!!!
I said it again Guy
There's been a party going on in everyone's mouth, a germ party. You can all thank me for that one, cuz you all deserved it... bastards. So anyways, shit's been good in my world, except for one thing. I haven't seen me and Gu¥ and Alex together in forever, it's like, c'mon guys quit being panzies (Gu¥). I've just given up on giving up, as stupid as it sounds. And I've been drinking and smoking things alot lately. Me and Alex and Joe even had a little get-together last night and IT FUCKIN' ROCKED!! But a word of advice, stay away from me if you don't want to get sick. Sorry guys, this means no more hugs and kisses. J♣nny and Jet Jaguar out!!
Alex Brunette is a man unsure of his hardcoreness, let us join each other in celebrating his hardcore career. It all started with one night at Tou's house that this man tapped into his ass-kicking side. He was a strict religion fanatic and there was no corrupting him, until it happened, he had one shot of vodka and was fascinated by the feel of it. Me and him continued to talk and punch each other through the night, then we became the hardcore drinkers. We drank as much as possible as often as possible and we outdrank everybody, which led to... the best 3 days of our adolescent lives. "The camping trip", in case no one remembers, this man allowed me to give him a moehawk. And just when i didn't think he could get any more hardass, he drank with me every day, that's right, he kept up with me, the UV freak. If that isn't balls, than you don't know what balls are. He also was the first of three men to jump the cliff, would you jump a cliff? I'm guessing no, and to you Alex, I salute, for you have been forgetting all of your hardcore roots. You are a 3rd of the definition of hardcore.
Yes, that dream was not a dream but a relapse of something waiting to happen. Lets start from the beginning, it all started with Alex's I was in is room and he did nothing but sit on the computer so i called Tom, I went to Tom and Amanda's but things got a little... uncomfortable to say the least, so I tried to call Joe. But to my surprise his cell was off, then i remembered my friend from "P'Town" wanted to kick-it today, so I gave him a call. We went to an old friends Zach's house, did fun stuff, came home at 5:00am been up since... and to sum it all up... IMSOFUCKINTWEAKEDRIGHTNOW! And this morning since I got home I've found a new likeing to cappaccino! Need... more... capp... a... ccin... o...
Whatever happened to us posting all the time? Have we all gotten so lazy that we've stopped sitting on our asses and typing into our "online journals"? C'mon people. Maybe some of us just got so stupid we forgot how. What is wrong with us? We should be blogging every day, i mean, our lives aren't that that busy are they? If you said yes you're a damn liar, cuz at no point in time are you away from computer, except PJ's, but that doesn't count. What is wrong with us... God... Dammit...?