So I guess it's that time of the week again, no I don't mean Joe's PMSing... well... sort of... I mean I can't sleep, AGAIN! So I've turned to the only one that can comfort me at this time of day, or night, or... whatever. Cappaccino is there when no one else can be, it keeps my whole body warm when I need heat, especially in my bladder. Cappaccino doesn't say no, it continuously keeps giving itself out with no questions asked. Cappaccino is easy (Sorry, but you really are), anyone can get a piece of cappaccino and like it. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you cappaccino, and I hope you will never leave my side.
P.S. 5 cups so far
no jonny fuck you. you're an asshole. you're always an asshole. i'm sick of you. please leave me alone.
I am always an asshole... TO BITCHES LIKE YOU!!
CAPUCCINO, thats how its writenn
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