Yes, that dream was not a dream but a relapse of something waiting to happen. Lets start from the beginning, it all started with Alex's I was in is room and he did nothing but sit on the computer so i called Tom, I went to Tom and Amanda's but things got a little... uncomfortable to say the least, so I tried to call Joe. But to my surprise his cell was off, then i remembered my friend from "P'Town" wanted to kick-it today, so I gave him a call. We went to an old friends Zach's house, did fun stuff, came home at 5:00am been up since... and to sum it all up... IMSOFUCKINTWEAKEDRIGHTNOW! And this morning since I got home I've found a new likeing to cappaccino! Need... more... capp... a... ccin... o...
Yes, my blog and comment timers are wrong, it's exactly 6:00am >8()
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