Sunday, July 31, 2005

Please Stop Her

I read Tia's posts...
you were right joe,
my brain is choking itself.
i feel very... i dont know,
happy but at the same time
i feel very sad.
like something is missing,
but i dont know what it
could be. ahh fuck it, im
stupid, i probably just miss
my girlfriend.
How is it that only the ones you love can truly hurt you,
god has a really sick sense of humor...

The Disgustingest Bitch I Know

So everybody got kicked out of the apartment again... so whats new you ask? I'll tell you what's new, Mike did it! Wow, well isn't that somethin fuckin special, I just can't imagine why. Oh yeah nevermind I think it might be because... Tia's a fuckin bitch straight from the deepest pitts of hell. That's right I fuckin said it and there's nothin you or I can do about it because I forgot how to edit. (not really) I mean whenever I talk on the phone to my girlfriend it's like "What's new?", "Well, Tia's a bitch", I say. So she says "I said what's new". But other than Mike, Tia, Jared, Jon, Guy, and Emma's drama, thats right Emma I know your pissed at me a fairy told me whilst I was strolling through the park, all is good in the world of Jon... Oh yeah and Joe and Alex, Stop bringing up the me moving into apartment thing or I swear to god I'll fucking castrate you! Just kidding, Swayze out!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Let The Good Times Roll... Hopefully

Well heres the story, Mike and Tia are doing that bitchy thing again today. You know the whole rent and mess thing... but who really cares, I mean theyre gonna be gone in a month or so anyway. Then you know who will be living here, yours truly. Alright me and Jon thought up the game plan, im going to hand in about 5 or 6 of my apps, get a job, and then move in and take Mike and Tia's old room. Hells yeah, its gonna be crazy with me here cuz i dont give a shit about anything. So if i dont get a job right away i can still pay for it out of the bank. So hopefully this all works out and then everyone will be welcome here, most of the time, meaning Mike and Tia wont be here usually. So hopefully i get that job and then every one of my home-boys and home-girls can come here all the time and have a gay-ole time.

an overly satisfied man,
Jonathon Thomas Berg

Monday, July 25, 2005

When will this end?

Once again my life sucks, not that I really care about anything. Except my wunderfoe girwfwiend. I got kicked out of my dads house for sure this time, he was being a total dick so i told him "No I didn't take your fucking beer you fucking asshole so stay the fuck away from me! shortly after I left and then broke back in. Which makes me wonder if my parents trust me that little that they would kick me out for something i didnt even do, do they really even know who i am. which makes me wonder does anyone know the real Jonny. i get really sick of make a false impression of who i am but i have to because otherwise id be boring... probably. lately ive been feeling that no one knows the real me and if they did they wouldnt like me anymore. thank god i could finally spit that out. anyways my day started bad and i daught it will get any better soon. Poopy

And dont call my girlfriend stupid alex, cuz you and Guy and Joe are her favorites out of my friends... you need to learn to be nicer to girls.

WTF mate?

I think Guy is beginning to have an obsession/fetish with SICK SICK SICK SICK porn! Its getting pretty disturbing and im thinking we should find someone to help him with this problem. If you truly care about the safety and well- being of your friends you will be with me on this one.

And remember Friends don't let friends shove eels up their ass and sharpies up their pissholes.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Cheater!... Where's Jon?

MY GIRLFRIEND'S CHEATING ON ME! Im sorry i just had to say that because i felt like it, but ALEX I would like to hear everything that was said about me in the car and everything that happened last night or the consequences will be dire.

Why is Jon always gone, he is the only person at the apartment that me and Guy think is cool.

If you see this Jon, please come home. )8

Not a brick of cheese "I need my cheese"

"Six Flags" was great i got into 3 fights with my girlfriend, got free clothes, and everyone has a matching scheme to their colored outfits. We also saw a man snort coke and inject heroin into his penis inside one of the tunnels in Chi- town. there was also a movie being made which we believe is starring Keanue Reeves " The only successful actor, who cant act" in the sequel to constantine overall the day was pretty friggin sweet and im sorry you missed out Joseph and Guy.

P.S. we turned jons room into our wisconsin frat-haus, and my avatar is not a brick of cheese but 'tis a stick of butta!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

im back

Fuck you and yer damn auto mo beels and yer beeg leeps joe