On the brink of retardation

Yesterday I noticed something quite amazing which led me to believe... a lot of my friends may be partly or completely retarded not listing any names Mike, Alex, Eric, and Joe ehem, had a booger stuck in my throat right there. Anyway, back to the point, the reason i may have seemed quiet and crabby last night was because the night before i got massive food poisoning which made me puke about nine times. And after i finished hitting that sign i felt like i was gonna hurl again, for the record. Well anyway, i guess ill sit at home until no one decides to call because i have to wash the dishes. And remember, please take care of yourselves... and each other.
God, I love to start shit!
Well first of all, I would like to thank Brianna for making my day by giving into my assholeness. It honestly really did make my day when I saw that, cuz i laughed alot. Well anyways, I would like everyone who's depressed, except Brianna... freak, to come over to my house. So I can punch you in the face. You see, I learned something today, Life is too short to sit and complain and be sad because then you die boringly. Like by choking on prenzels. Or your life gets really boring, like, for example: you become the president, or a pencil jockey, or even, yes even, a camel jockey. And to all you ladies life is also too short to be a bitch... I tried, sorry Guys. So have fun and if you only have something sad to say, then... Shut the fuck up! Insensitive hypocrite man away.
Your Not Me... So Don't Try, EVER!
I am so sick of everyone fucking trying to help things when they cant, but they think they can. NEWS FLASH! Thats my job and i do it quite well thank you very much. If you disagree you just cant admit it to yourself that you are a failure. As many people have often told me i have good advice... when i mean it... or care. And i enjoy making people feel better, because its a confidence boost... and stuff. Anyways when there is a dispute from now on dont get involved unless you are absolutely positive that all you can do is help. Or if your invited by all members of the argument. Because as we all know if only one invites you in and the other doesnt that means someones gonna be pissed. And a little piece of advice to everyone... i forgot what i was gonna say. But it was important and that means it meant something and im tired SO IM GOING TO CONQUEST MY COMFY BED!