I got that off a fortune cookie, so I'm crabby; no sleep, work, and school is literally all that's on my mind right now. Mostly because I am too freakin' tired to think, or move, or care. I need Adderall, lots and lots. I bought 4 cds today: The Vines, The Tossers (similar to Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphies), Coheed and Cambria, and The Streets. Such awesome musicness! I think I'm gonna stay home today though, I'm starting to look like a crack whore. There's other funny things I could talk about but I'm too tired so to shorten it up: Tom's got his shit together, Jon's here, Munchkin, Jordan, Backseats of police cars... again, Free drinks, and Sickness. Catch ya on the flipside, YEA BOIEE!
yea...boiii....we need a venting night at the blackstone..one of these nights. Give me a call and we'll do it.
Yup comming back to the subject.
I didnt meant for you to think Im trying to make you jealous or whatever, you know me better than that.
Im sorry you feel that way. Youre spitting on the plate youve eaten.
Just let things go okay?
I dont want to be fighting, and youre a smart kid, you dont want to be fighting all the time neither.
Relax man...
You are so stupid, you didn't even get what I meant, anyways, why would I be jealous of you, I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL! you are just a little misquito that keeps buzzing around me that I keep swapping away.
Plus I like fighting when I know I'm winning.
We are not in a war, there is no "whos winning side".
Dude chill, I havent done anything wrong to you, as a matter of fact I have faith and I cherish you a lot.
So why did you got like this all of a sudden?
Yes, you are. Don't talk to me.
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