So I've pretty much been stuck with some of the most difficult decision of my adolescent life lately... AND I HATE IT! First of all, I'm stuck in the jail you people call school, again. And I'm having lots of trouble with getting my work permit cuz the bitch that gives them out wasn't at school today, and the stupid place I needed to go closed about 5 minutes before I got there, AHH! And now I like a girl ALOT but I know her family would crusify me if I ever took a shot at her. She's like the innocent/ mature virgin I've always wanted. Not to mention I'm already in a "relationship". I can't sleep because I think too much, I need to get my permit by 11:00 tomorrow morning, AND I need my monies. AND WHY AM I ALWAYS THE ONE WHO EVERYONE TELLS SECRETS!
... By the time you're done reading this I will have killed someone
In a violent rage...
i saw the benchwarmers with melissa (texas mel). alex and i are going to see thank you for smoking on an unspecified date in the future.
Dont worrie man just one more month until youre 18!
Dude fight for what you think is right, that is the way to go, all the cool kids are doing it.
You want to be down with that shit?
You need to take english class, cuz I don't understand anything you say, so... STOP GETTING STONED AND COMMENTING, is the moral of the story.
Where were you last night...you really need to get a cell phone again b/c I was looking for you. So this "relationship" how is that going for you...? And since you asked me who I "love" who is this that you like "A lot"
Okay yes, Ive been meaning to do that for a while, my new nickname is towelie!!!
We decided that on the trip,, and I AM MADE OF WEED.
Oh I totally forgot what I was going to comment last time, so here it is!!
Go lick your fingers hahahahah!!!
I agree with Veles...jonny your a cool guy who ever this girl is (regardless of her family) go for it...you deserve to be happy. You never know until you try...as for the make sure she likes you...she has to ... I'm mean you rock my socks I wonder what you rock of hers...lol.
Shut up ALex...I don't think its me...Jonny doesn't know my family so that right there counts me out...I'm just sayin Jonny is a cool guy. Its not all about me...I'm a giver, ask anyone.
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